Tis the season for sickness in schools!

Norovirus in Schools

Many schools across the UK are currently experiencing high volumes of sickness and diarrhoea and resulting in a number of school closures.

If you have an outbreak of vomiting and diarrhoea strict control at an early stage is essential to prevent further spread.

Classification of an outbreak in school

An outbreak or incident may be defined as:

  • an incident in which 2 or more people experiencing a similar illness are linked in time or place
  • a greater than expected rate of infection compared with the usual background rate for the place and time where the outbreak has occurred

For example:

  • 2 or more cases of diarrhoea or vomiting which are in the same classroom, shared communal areas or taking part in the same activities

The Local Health Protection Team provide advice to schools on outbreaks and will advice schools on when to close and there is Government guidance on controlling infections in schools.

Controlling the spread of Norovirus in Schools

  • Implement strict infection control measures.
  • Ensure that a person or persons are nominated (i.e. yourself and or others) to:
  • Maintain a record of cases
  • Record all staff/pupil cases.
  • Implement control measures.
  • Provide advice to all relevant persons including parents, children etc.
  • Ensure cases do not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
  • Isolate infectious children and send them home immediately.
  • Inform visitors/relatives of outbreak, restrict visiting if necessary.
  • If anyone should vomit in an area where there is uncovered food or drink then it must be discarded since there is risk that it has been contaminated with the virus.
  • Following all vomiting incidents, all surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned, and dried, and where possible, evacuate the area during this period.
  • Food surfaces that may be contaminated following a vomiting incident should be immediately, thoroughly cleaned.
  • Ensure all surfaces in toilet areas are cleaned regularly and after any incident, and all surfaces wiped with a hypochlorite solution. Preventative disinfection should be carried out throughout the day.


Preventing/preparing for an outbreak of Norovirus in Schools 

While it is not possible to prevent an outbreak occurring under all circumstances, the following precautions will help to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak becoming established:

  • Vigilant monitoring of vomiting and diarrhoea incidents on the premises.
  • Early identification of the signs of an outbreak.
  • Staff training and awareness of their role.
  • Awareness amongst staff and parents / carers regarding the importance of not reporting for work or school if suffering from sickness or diarrhoea (until 48 hours after symptoms have cleared). NB this applies to all staff and pupils, not just food handlers
  • Thorough routine cleaning procedures for hand contact surfaces such as taps, toilet handles, door handles etc.

Have a plan identifying the equipment, staffing and resources required for the control of an outbreak and ensure the availability of cleaning materials, liquid soap, disposable towels, waste bags etc.

Cleaners must be provided with sufficient equipment for their own safety and to ensure that cleaning is effective e.g. gloves and aprons, disposable cleaning cloths/paper.

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