Health and Safety Savings for schools

Savings in schools

How Health and Safety can identify savings for Schools?

At Cousins Safety we are experts in Health and Safety Consultancy Advice to schools.
We really do recognise the current challenges facing schools and have extensive experience of working with schools to overcome these.

We are acutely aware of the financial constraints on school budgets and the implications of this particularly in relation to repairs and maintenance of school buildings. The impact of staff cuts and increase pressures on schools staff.  We hope this blog offers you some solutions.

H&S Audit identified savings of £6000 for a school

Our Health and Safety Audits are a great way to identify efficiencies and savings as well as assess compliance and identify risks. Here are some of the ways we have identified savings in schools:

  • We often find schools paying for maintenance service costs that they do not need. An audit found a school was paying £900 plus for a service of their evacuation chair. The company claimed a service was required to comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
  • Identified a reduction in the number of staff required in the school kitchen and to cover lunchtimes saving the school approx £6000 per annum.
  • School was paying for a company to carry out monthly legionella tests and sampling costing over £1500 when this could be completed by the Site Agent.

We offer affordable Health and Safety Audits which provide assurances to Governing body/Trustees on compliance and satisfy insurers that health and safety is being monitored and managed.

YouGov survey published October 18 found 31% of all teachers had experienced mental health issues in the past 12 months.

How we have helped save money?

This course is part of a range of training courses that we offer to schools that can be delivered in house or on one of our open training courses. See our latest open course dates for latest course dates and our training brochure of all our courses.